Ready to get more benefits?

Providers who have already received the initial, automatic HHS payment may now apply for additional funds.

Being a superhero should always pay-off! 


  Effective April 24, HHS has begun distribution of additional funds to Medicare providers impacted by COVID-19. Providers will need to apply to receive these funds.


But first, let us answer some of the questions you may have.


Who is eligible to receive the additional payment?


Any provider who has already received the Provider Relief Fund by April 24th, attested and agreed to the Terms and Conditions can and should apply for additional funding.

Some providers will receive these additional funds automatically, however, they still need to through the application process.


What information is required to apply?


To apply for additional relief funding, providers will need to upload the most recent IRS tax filings as well as estimates of lost revenues for March and April 2020. Each entity that files a federal income tax return is required to file an application even if it is part of a provider group. However, a group of corporations that files one consolidated return will have only the tax return filer apply.


How long will it take to receive additional funding after application submission?

HHS intends to distribute additional funds within 10 business days of the submission.


Additional information:


Terms and conditions:




To Apply:


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