WCH can help you to get your Medicaid EHR incentive payments for the available years shown below. 2016 is the last year to obtain and attest for using EHR program. We are also working with our clients to help them achieve meaningful use requirements and receive eligible incentives from payers. As well as help you with attestation of meaningful use so that you can receive eligible incentive. Don’t lose your chance, ask your account representative about available options.
2016 is the last year that providers are eligible to collect available incentive!
Take a look at the available incentive table:

Patient Volume Calculation
The Medicaid patient volume calculation method is designated by the State Medicaid Agency and approved by CMS. In general, patient volume is calculated by dividing the provider’s encounters with Medicaid-enrolled patients over the provider’s total number of service encounters.
The last year to begin participating in the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is 2016. EPs may receive Medicaid EHR incentive payments for up to six years; 2021 is the final year for Medicaid EHR incentive payments. For more information visit the Medicaid State Information page.
Payment Amounts
EPs who adopt, implement, upgrade, or meaningfully use certified EHR technology in their first year of participation in the program and successfully demonstrate meaningful use in subsequent years may be eligible for an incentive payment of $21,250. In subsequent years of payment a Medicaid EP’s incentive payment will be limited to $8,500.
Pediatricians who meet the 30 percent patient volume requirement may qualify to receive the maximum incentive payments. Incentive payments for pediatricians who meet the 20 percent Medicaid patient volume but fall short of the 30 percent Medicaid patient volume are reduced to two-thirds of the incentive payment. This means some pediatricians may receive $14,167 in the first year and $5,667 in subsequent years.
Table 2 illustrates the maximum Medicaid EHR incentive payments an EP can receive by year and the total incentive payments possible if an EP successfully qualifies for an incentive payment each year.
Note: The total for pediatricians who meet the 20 percent patient volume but fall short of the 30 percent patient volume is $14,167 in the first year and $5,667 in subsequent years. This adds up to a maximum Medicaid EHR incentive payment of $42,500 over a six-year period.
Additional Resources
For more information on the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, see the EHR Incentive Programs website.