- Medicaid and Medicare Incentive program deadline approaching soon. With Incentive Program deadline is almost here the Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use incentive program is approaching a deadline. With limited time left for eligible practitioners to apply and to show meaningful use to receive incentive from either Medicare or Medicaid program, provides that qualify should make arrangements with their EHR vendor to help them attest for meaningful use before it’s too late to receive government incentive payments.
- Practitioners are realizing that their incentive payments has been already received by their employer (group or hospital). It is not a secret that Hospitals and other medical groups are reassigning physicians incentives with out them even knowing. Providers are shocked that they can not get incentives for implementing EHR in their private practice because the hospital already claimed that money. We urge all providers to start applying now so that you will be able successfully to implement the EHR in your practice. Here are the details of the incentive program:
Eligible professionals for MEDICARE incentive program:
- Doctors of Medicine or Osteopathy
- Doctors of Dental Surgery or Dental Medicine
- Doctors of Podiatric Medicine
- Doctors of Optometry
- Chiropractors
Eligible professional for MEDICAID incentive program:
- Physicians
- Nurse Practitioners
- Certified Nurse - Midwife
- Dentists
- Physicians Assistants who practice in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or Rural Health Center (RHC) that is led by a Physician Assistant.
- Doctors of Optometry
- Further, Medicaid EPs must also:
- Have a minimum of 30% Medicaid patient volume (20% minimum for pediatricians), OR
- Practice predominantly in a FQHC or RHC and have at least 30% patient volume to needy individuals.
- March 31, 2014 at 11:59 pm ET: Attestation deadline for Medicare eligible professionals for the 2013 program year
- September 30, 2014: End of 2014: End of 2014 fiscal year and end of the 2014 reporting period for eligible hospitals
- November 30, 2014 at 11:59 pm ET: Attestation deadline for Medicare eligible hospitals for the 2014 program year
- December 31, 2014: End of 2014 calendar year and end of the 2014 reporting period for eligible professionals
- Medicaid Incentive program: $21,250 for 2014, up to $63,750 over six years of program participation.
- Medicare Incentive program: $11,760 for 2014, up to $23,520 over three years of program participation.
For more information and detailed requirements please visit: http://www.cms.gov or contact WCH specialists (718) 934 6714