WCH EHR offers Anytime, Anywhere Access

Mobility has become one of the main attributes of the efficient EHR. WCH Ismart electronic health record allows providers to have access anytime and anywhere to their clinical and financial data. We highly recommend using EHR on portable technology for access convenience and simplicity of use as opposed to the stationery desktop environment. Of course it’s important to consider the size of the screen of the portable device and ability to fit all needed data. Many providers prefer to use laptops over smartphones and tablets, because it has larger screen, comfortable keyboard and full data access with multiscreen capability. Those providers are using the tablets are limited to the data they can see in one screen and are also prohibited to access some of the vital features important for full record documentation.
Because mobility has become an expectation in healthcare it still as important to understand the data access you are getting from your EHR provider on your portable device. WCH can only focus on the features that we present on mobile devices to our clients.
  • Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) and visit information
  • Communications
  • Encounter documentation
  • Patient Chart
  • e-Prescribing
  • Appointments
Here is the list of some features easily accessible on mobile EHR:
WCH Ismart EHR allows you to work from anywhere, anytime - your practice, hospital, secondary office or home.
Inquire about WCH iSmart EHR portable device adaptability by calling our office at
718-934-6714 x 1201
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