The Marshak Method: Merging Traditional 12-Step and Holistic Methods
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to share my experience in addiction treatment. My practice began in 1991 with six heroin addicts. I combined the 12-Step program with a methodology I had personally developed 10 years earlier. The program is a holistic method, which allows addicts to quickly a...
Medical Chart Review services by WCH
Before responding to insurance audit, contact WCH audit specialist!
Ask any expert and they will tell you that accurate coding is the secret to full and timely reimbursements from your medical claims. In fact, the most frequent errors in claim processing can be attributed to improper coding and/...
Are you missing $63,750 out of your pocket?
WCH can help you to get your Medicaid EHR incentive payments for the available years shown below. 2016 is the last year to obtain and attest for using EHR program. We are also working with our clients to help them achieve meaningful use requirements and receive eligible incentives from payers....
Why I love working in WCH (interview with Maria Chechina)
What do you do at WCH?As an account representative in WCH, I help providers solve
problems with insurance companies, handle routine collection work, oversee that
payments are received without delays and conduct administrative tasks. Through
my work, I give doctors time back so that...
WCH is presenting on Urgent Care Conference in Chicago
This 3 day spring convention is a great way to expand practice management knowledge. During the sessions, participants can find out all there is to know about Urgent Care environment. Get the necessary information, tools, resources and strategies to succeed in Urgent Care by joining other profession...
Exclusive Interview with Olga by Ambulatory Advisor Written by Brittany BelliNegotiating urgent care contracts with payors can be a frustrating experience. Insurance companies are always looking to decrease their costs, so convincing them that you deserve an increase in compensation can be an uphill...
iSmart EHR Clinical Quality Measures (CQM)
According to national EHR Vendor data, there are far fewer EHR systems that are stage 2 certified than EHR systems that are stage 1 certified. Generally EHR vendors are faced with difficulties developing features to satisfy the Clinical Quality Measures (CQM). CQMs are part of the certification requ...
Using an EHR is no longer a choice, it is an obligation!
Using a certified EHR technology is clearly becoming an obligation as government efforts to enforce compliance toughen.
So far, the Government’s efforts to enforce the adoption of certified EHR technology in every practice has been driven by the Meaningful Use mandated in law to...
URGENT CARE is what we know and do well!
Urgent Care the business modelof today!Driven by patient demand, Urgent care seeks to provide a convenient, accessible and affordable yet very high quality service patient care. As the United States suffers from a primary care physician shortage that cannot meet the demand for healthcare, Urgent Car...
New CPB and Compliance Officer on staff
WCH is investing in the success of our staff and clients!We have another Certified Professional Biller on Staff, Congratulations Tatyana Kantor on your new certification!Tatyana inspired and motived by her supervisor Zukhra Kasimova, CPC, CPB accepted a chal- lenge to become next Certified Prof...
Avoid Conflicts between Your trusted Billing Company and Your New EHR vendor
WCH has a great strategy and tremendous experi- ence for processing and collection of medical claims and plays a crucial role in its client’s reimbursement process! So, Do Not let your new EHR vendor dictate the work flow of your trusted billers. Whether or not you are using WCH EHR along with...
WCH at NYSADSA Conference
Recap of presentation day!
Successful program MUST HAVE
1. Services that are consistent with the needs of the participants and community
Socialization – ACTIVITIES!!
Personal care
NYS OMIG December Annual Certification 2014
You are safe with WCH!WCH Certified UNDER THE MANDATORY COMPLIANCE LAWWCH is in compliance with the NYS law. WCH has submitted a certification for the Mandatory Compliance Law for Medicaid providers.Here is what you need to know about WCH compliance program. The Mandatory Complia...
Happy Holidays from the WCH Team!
Power of Compounding
We hear it all the time on TV and the Radioand see it on the Internet: Investing for retirementrequires consistency and commitment.We are told the stories of people who putaway $100 dollars a month for 30 years andended up with over $200,000. But are all thestories true and what is behind this remar...